[_private/button_bar_steps.htm] By going online, your children gain the equivalent of a library, a playground and a free telephone hooked up to the entire world – all right at home. Unfortunately, this library has a huge section devoted to pornography, a child molester sometimes lurks in the playground, and the "telephone" accepts calls from undesirable strangers. The well-being of your children requires your active intervention.

These guidelines have been written to enable parents to effectively guide and guard their children during their online adventures. It is absolutely essential that every parent take charge of his or her child’s online experience since our government and the Internet industry have failed to provide adequate protection.

SafetyNet Steps

  1. Guard the mind first -- then the computer.
  2. Use filterware.
  3. Select a family-friendly Internet Service Provider.
  4. Keep the computer in the open.
  5. Never reveal personal information online.
  6. Never meet an online friend in person for the first time without a parent present.
  7. Never respond to flames.
  8. Train your children to stop immediately if they see or read anything that upsets them.
  9. Limit time spent online.
  10. Beware of "adult" dangers -- online romance and gambling.
As with any parenting issue, open communication between parents and children is key. Your children must feel free to talk with you about anything they encounter online that makes them uncomfortable – which may be difficult, given the subject matter. Include older children in the rule-making. The family discussion may help them understand and embrace the rules. And finally, follow the applicable safety steps yourself; the best way to teach is by example.

SafetyNet Steps are taken from the book, SafetyNet: Guiding and Guarding Your Children on the Internet.

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